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We parents, want the best for our children and to help them develop social and life skills. How can we be effective and respectful at the same time? In this class, we will explore behavior challenges, the source of motivation for the misbehavior, sibling conflicts, focus on problem-solving, and  the belief  behind  the

behavior, among other topics. Adults participate in many interactive activities that allow them to dive in the children's world and recognize that primary need for all children is to belong.


Adults are invited to learn about non-punitive, mutual respect, solution-focus approach, resulting in a greater connection with their children.


Classes can be tailor-made between 2-6 hours of duration. For more information, please send an email.


Classes can be focused on:

0-3 years old

3-12 years old     45-minute introduction workshop


I invite you to learn a positive and scientifically based approach that allows a strong connection with the students, resulting in deep understanding and peace in the classroom. This class is interactive and adults are invited to participate in experiential activities. No punishiment, reward nor shame, this discipline method offers practical tools to help children develop self-discipline, cooperation, and problem-solving skills.


Classes can be tailor-made between 2-6 hours. For more information, please send an email.


Classes can be focused on:

0-3 years old

3-12 years old  Sample 2-hour training agenda



Do you remember when children used to sit quietly in their organized row-chairs and do everything teachers would ask? Today, many teachers feel frustrated when children don't behave like as in the good, old days. What happened?


"Role playing helps illustrate the concepts. It also keeps the ideas fresh in your head." (Mother of 3 children)

"Yes! It will change your life by changing the tone of your relationships and communications, including with yourself." (Mother of 2 gilrs)

"It gives you great tools to use and helps find ways to make parenting more enjoyable, satisfying, and positive. It helps to develop the skills in yourself and in your children." (Mother of 2 boys)

"This workshop takes you into the child's world. I never thought how big I looked to a child until I volunteer to role-play a child." (Father of 2 children)

“The tools I learned for interacting with my children in a positively disciplined way (e.g. family meetings)  have been extremely helpful in improving the communication I have with my children, and maintaining a more peaceful and balanced family life. These tools help in setting expectations with children and working toward common family goals.” (Father of 2 children)


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